Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Agents of SHIELD-"Ye Who Enter Here" 128

We see Skye in what looks like a dream, calling out for the team. Possible hallucinations? We see May and Coulson with a baby. A strange music box. It was a nightmare! Coulson wakes her out of it. Mac has mini Lola! Fitz adores it :). Mac also notices Bobby and Hunter have gotten closer. Fitz needs Mac to talk to Simmons (Fitz is still shy/nervous, awww.). Simmons is bandaging up Tripplet. She asks her about Skye's dad, just as Skye comes in. She notices, says it's fine, and dismisses it.

The whole team is trying to figure out the obelisk and the city. Good news-We know where the city is. Hydra doesn't. The city is in Bermuda Triangle. First, city. Then, obelisk. "One thing at a time." -Coulson. We then see Raina being tracked by Dr.Whitehall's men (Including fake May again.). She gets protected by the Koenig brothers! Raina actually gets a lanyard, due to SHIELD protecting her. The Koenig brothers report to Coulson about their recent discovery. Coulson decides to send May with a team. Skye and May see the photoage of Ward's family (Poor Senator Ward) , they know he did it. Coulson wants Skye to go with May. To keep her safe from the city and her father. Everybody else is going to the city.

While getting ready Bobby asks Jemma about Fitz and their past together. Jemma tells her the truth about what went down underwater. The reason she can't deal with it, "Nine of the longest days of my life back." with the coma. All she's ever thought of him is as a friend. Bobby tells her to be honest with Fitz. The city team prepares to leave. Skye and May say goodbye to Coulson. Mac asks Bobby about "the thing" and if she's going to tell Bobby. She hasn't decided. Raina is still with the brothers. Skye comes in and then crazy May shows up! *Cue awesome fist fight between her and Skye!* Honestly, I just hope Raina is "good" during this mission. After the commercial-  *Awesome fist fight still happening.* Bobby comes in and helps knock Fake May out.

Bobby and Coulson are looking for their contact "Diego". Coulson wants a hat! (To blend in.) We find our contact. Back at the ship, the tension is so thick!! Fitz tells Jemma that he's going to leave with Mac because ya know, Jemma is more capable to run the lab. "I can work for you, I just can't work with you."Fitz. Sad times for Fitzsimmons shippers (Including myself.). Coulson and Bobby try to find the city. And Skye, Raina, and Hunter are trying to get out. Raina tells Skye about the Diviner and how she can hold it, and tells Skye she believes she is worthy. "It's not crazy, it's our destiny." Then tries to run. Which fails as soon as Hunter comes with May in a van. Fake May learns about the tracker on Raina and reports to Dr.Whitehall. "Good work. I'll get my best man on it.".  Tripplet "bonds" with the Koenig brothers. You can tell he's kinda freaked. :) May reports to Coulson about Skye and Raina's conversation.

Back with Bobby and Coulson, "Diego" won't go down due to the stories. Fitz, Jemma, and Mac investigate the entrance to the city. Fitz has fun droids go down and get data. Coulson needs it. Raina apologizes to Skye about running. Raina tells her about Skye's dad being misunderstood and how he's actually a good guy. "No one could ever replace you Skye. Your all he wants.". Raina tells her she's special, (alien as Skye puts it). Kree (OMG) left the diviner to those who are wprthy to witness it's true power. As the team is about to go down in the city, Skye warns May about trouble. Just as Dr.Whitehall asks for Raina, if not then basically get ready to get shot out of the sky. Mac hit the bottom of the entrance (I believe) and then touches the ground (which has the city carvings on it) and starts to "freak out", I guess would be the best use of words.

The team tries to help Mac stay in control. Mac is now turned into a evil dude! The deep voice, super strength, and everything. Back at the plane everybody has guns and preparing what to do with Raina. Ward shows up. (Yay! :D )Wants Raina..... and Skye. They both agree. (SKYEWARD is endgame!! I LOVE THIS SCENE) Ward kept his promise. Skye also brings the tablet with the map of the city. Mac tries to kill Bobby, and eventually is thrown down the tunnel which has to be sealed now. Very sad, but it wasn't Mac.

Evil May gets in Dr.Whitehall's car. She informs him about Raina and how he took Skye (which wasn't part of the orders.) and how he didn't shoot down the plane as asked. (Omg my feels though). He then orders to have the plane shot down and plans to ask Ward about his "hostage". Then cut to black. :)

Next week is the Winter Finale (Nooooo) which includes a long awaited father-daughter reunion! Also I hope we get some more info about the Kree! Who can't wait for next week?? I know I can't!

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