Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Agents of SHIELD "What They Become" 119

Father and Daughter reunion!!!
Oh my god!! Last episode for a while! We start with seeing May and everybody in the plane escaping a couple enemy jets *cue awesome cloaking*. The team is safe, for now. May informs Coulson that Hydra has Skye. He figures it due to Ward's promise "Seeing daddy dearest.". Fitz and Simmons have a talk about Mac. Apparently he's just trapped, not dead. Simmons tries to convince him that Mac being in the city is just controlling him not killing him. There's hope. Hunter tries to confront Bobby about Mac "When this is all over I'm gonna cry for like a week."-Bobby. She gets a message from Diego, and invites Hunter for backup. He notices the drive she's hiding, but still agrees.

*Cue me freaking out and my feels just exploding* Ward actually brings Skye to her father. Even though his orders were to get Raina, getting Skye was part of his promise! "I'm sure you two have some catching up to do."-Ward. Skye's dad gets emotional. "Hi, I'm Cal. I'm your father." Awesome Father-Daughter family reunion. He had plans even with almond cookies! Cal's world was ripped apart because Skye was stolen from him. "You were born in China, your mother was Chinese." They had a good life, he was a medic. He has major regret. "I'm gonna take care of you."-Cal. She wants out. Cal tells her the truth. He never was really working for Dr.Whitehall, he just wanted to find her. Apparently, Skye's mom was definitely "special". One day Hydra took Skye's mom and he tracked them down but it was too late. That also goes back to our flashback with him. Anyway, he starts humming a tune, she recognizes it. Then Cal is called to see Dr.Whitehall. Who he's going to kill. "Best day ever!"-Cal.

Coulson gets ready to save Skye. And gets a call from Bobby and Hunter who are near the underground city but can't enter. Back to awesome stuff!!!! In the meeting, we see Raina, Ward, and Cal. Dr.Whitehall asks Ward why Skye is here. He has a theory, and brings out the Diviner. He asks Skye to hold it. She quickly does, when nothing hurts her she uses it against a solider. Then Ward and Cal attack the other soldiers. Whitehall tells her "I hope your as special as your mother.". The guards take their weapons and knock out Cal.

Trip gets ready to save Mac, while Fitz and Simmons watch. Ward talks to Agent 33.  Cal gets to stay with Skye. (Also Ward is in the same room as them.) Whitehall tortures him. He also threatens to kill Skye. Coulson and May break in and guns are hot! Cal escapes. Ward and Skye are safe without seeing what he's about to do. Just as Cal is about to kill Whitehall. *Bang Bang!* Coulson shoots Whitehall in the back. Cal is obviously pissed, I mean I would be too. You've been plotting for years to get revenge and then just like that! Coulson threatens to shoot Cal. Agent 33 finds Whitehall dead. Cal and Coulson beat each other up. Ward gets out and Skye is freed. She shoots him, i'm crying. (My Skyeward feels were just thrown into a crumbled piece of paper and thrown out a window into the ocean of my tears.....i'm totally fine *Not*)Skye interrupts the fight and she tells him leave. Her real name is Daisy!! Daisy is gonna finish the job.

Agent 33 gets Ward out. May goes to find Coulson. Daisy is searching for the obelisk. Raina has it, she then she's a crazy Mac. Coulson goes after Skye excuse me Daisy with May. Trip goes down very quickly. I have a bad feeling. Raina finds the precious room. Coulson is still searching for "Skye". Daisy finds Mac. She goes to see Raina. Trip has explosives in his plan. The diviner is put in it's place, Raina stays to see. Trip finds "Skye". Coulson is locked out. They can't stop the diviner. Trip knocks it when it starts to freeze Daisy and Raina. But they're fine. Even Mac is back to normal with Coulson. Daisy and Raina un-crack, but Trip is still stuck. The place starts to crumble due to Daisy using her powers for the first time. She watches Trip slip away. Jesus, that's the last scene we see until March. But on the bright side Agent Carter is coming!!!

Mini Recap of Bombs.....
1. Skye is actually Daisy Jonson/Quake!
2. Inhumans are here!!!!!
3. Daisy's father is Dr.Calvin Zabo/Mr.Hyde.
4. If your a Skyeward (Would it be DaisyWard now? :D ) fangirl like me and need help for the next few months, remember fan fiction.

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