Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Walking Dead-"Consumed" 123

Awww, the episode starts with a flashback of Carol getting kicked out by Rick. While driving, she finds a place to stay for a while. You can tell she misses the group. One day she notices a fire. When she drives near the fire, we realize this was around after the Governor. Then after the commercial, we are back in the present. Daryl and Carol are in the car talking about getting Beth back! Omg my feels (I ship Bethyl, sorry Caryl lovers!) Suddenly, the black car stops. Two people, possibly cops. C&D try to stay hidden. Oh god, we're screwed. They see us!!! The car leaves. And then ours runs out of gas.... perfect. While trying to get to safety, a swarm of walkers show up. Luckily, C&D get into safe hiding in time. They bond, it's nice :) then we hear a noise. Stupid walkers. Anyway, the next morning Carol wakes to find Daryl burning bodies. 

Later in the day, we see them in Atlanta scoping everywhere out. Daryl disguises a diversion to get a better view on the bridge. Getting through a locked door (So skinny these two!) and find the spot where the bomb set off in season two. Daryl spots the bridge, he sees a car "Definitely some kind of lead."-Carol. Then they turn into art critics for a bit when they see a strange piece of art! And out of nowhere Noah shows up! He takes the weapons, even Daryl's crossbow! C&D bicker about Carol possibly shooting Noah. Daryl says he justs a kid, yay he's a totally changed man.  Finally, they get to the bridge with the van on it. When opened, nobody's there! It is however tipping and to make it worse walkers show up. Daryl drives the car over. Very intense emotions right now. They make it out of the crashed car. Yay! 

Carol got injured, but is still stable. They both see the hospital where Beth is being kept. And scope it out. Again, we hear a noise. It is a walker but it has one of Daryl's arrows. Bullets firing. Carol gets even more injured. Daryl finds Noah again. Takes his weapons back and smokes a cig. Leaves him for dead, Carol this time disagrees. Just as a walker is about to kill Noah, Daryl shoots it, saving him. Redemption in a way of sorts I guess. Noah is worried about the cops finding him. He tells them about Beth helping them escape. Just as they start to leave, the car shows up, accidentally running over Carol. When Daryl is about to run to help her, Noah stops him. Telling him the hospital cops can save her plus they have bigger numbers. Meaning we need to regroup! So that pieces together who Daryl was with a couple episodes earlier, it was Noah! Next week, the pieces start to shift with every group.  

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