Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Agents of SHIELD-"The Things We Bury" 125

Peggy and Dr.Whitehall back in 1945
Australia 1945, Dr.Whitehall is doing experiments on people with the obelisk. Present day- we see Dr.Whitehall is with Skye's father.  Dr.W wants to know more about the obelisk-"I know that a special few can touch it without suffering.". Skye's dad informs the power of the obelisk is much powerful than he knows. Bakshi is still being interrogated in the plane. Coulson needs info from him badly! Also he gets to go to Hawaii! 

Bobby tries to interrogate Bakshi  Slowly chipping away at his senses. Mac tells Hunter about how Coulson went insane last week, he's worried about him. Bobby gets him angry by asking him if he's been brainwashed, he obviously denies. Bobby isn't sure but it is possible any Hydra agent could be. The team seems to figure that Red Skull and Whitehall are connected. Then, cut to Senator Ward in a security car driving to a family cabin. And guess who's there waiting?!? Ward! He already took out his guards so it's one on one.

 In Hawaii, Skye and Trip on the mission! Fitz is getting back in the field. Coulson helps him by "muscle memory". Bobby's stress reliever is twirling, which Hunter notices. He tells her bash li  is bothering her, but it's actually Whitehall. Jemma and May are doing research and find info about Peggy Carter! Flashback, SSR Base- "The Rat" in 1945 she is interrogating Dr.Whitehall. Apparently, what you do with a pen shows your character, there are many uses to a pen. 

Anyway, back to the present. Skye's dad and Whitehall talk about finding the "city" about the carvings. But Whitehall does not entirely trust him. "I have nothing to lose." Jesus Christ, he means Skye! "I want to be reunited with my family..... in the afterlife." Not good. Ooooo yay- Ward and Senator time! They fight over Ward getting captured. Bro says he had that planned. Ward doesn't believe that. "I take responsibility for my actions Christian." Then Ward brings out a shovel, tells Christian about the well. And C. believes their parents buried. But "they just covered it up." Back to the plane, Fitz is sorta struggling in his task. Skye and Trip complete their mission, yay teamwork.

 The team find Whitehall's file, Simmons recognizes him! Flashback again to Peggy telling Whitehall being informed he's so to speak disappearing and his files are being destroyed. 44 years later, Hydra breaks him out. Australia,1989 Whitehall finds a woman (who touched the obelisk and survived) he experimented on so many years ago still alive and hasn't aged a day! Present time, the team are still investigating Whitehall files. Bobby interrogates Bakshi gain, this time with a special kick. Fear. But he flips it around on her asking her about her time at Hydra. She changes the subject, on how she knows Bakshi is afraid to disappoint Whitehall. So instead of complying, he knocks himself him out. 

Back to both Ward's fighting. Christian digs to the well. Ward threatens him down there. He finally admits to forcing Ward to killing Thomas. His reasoning, Thomas never got punished and wanted it to stop. He wanted his mother to feel pain. "It's okay, that's all I wanted to hear."-Grant. Wow actually forgiving! "Come on, let's go home." In Hawaii, we find Skye and Trip's mission help with finding if the city exists. Fitz accomplished his task into helping! "We may actually have a shot at finding this city."-Coulson.

 Trip, Fitz, and Coulson get to servers but are ambushed by Hydra. Coulson continues to cover them. Fitz is working on the severs to find the "city" while Trip covers him. And OOOHHHH GOODDD Trip gets a shot!!!! And omg Skye's dad shows up as one of the prisoners as a doctor!!!! Totally not the right time for a commercial! Skye's dad is using surgery on Trip to talk to Phil, and about Skye. Obviously, Coulson finds out he is Skye's dad. And allows Coulson to save Trip while he escapes. Yay he's stabilizing. Dr.Whitehall used the woman to keep himself healthy and young. Grant meets with him, and used his brother. He killed his family and brother. Whitehall trusts him. Bobby and Hunter argue but then uh.... hook up. 

Coulson and Fitz comes back from the mission. Trip is getting patched up. But, Skye can still tell something's off. Coulson is about to tell her they saw her dad when "Match Found" shows up on the screen. We hopefully know where the "city" is! Skye's dad chats with Whitehall and Grant. Skye's dad tells Grant "It's always good to look your enemy in the eye." We think it's about Coulson but then he sternly looks at..... Dr.Whitehall!!!!  25 years ago, he finds his wife "I believe) who was the woman who Dr.Whitehall tested and eventually killed. Now, Skye's dad wants revenge. Yay, I think he is on our side!

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