Sunday, October 19, 2014

Red Band Society-"So Tell Me What You Want What You Really Really Want" 113

                      Jordi is controlling his life with a social worker. Dash is getting a pager and a turn up which leads to Kara semi making fun of him but at the same time intrigued. Charlie's dad tries to visit his son. Turns out his mom is already  visiting. Somebody important is coming to visit. Who?? Flashback to Charlie and his dad to his accident. Charlie is sick from eating too much food and throws up in the car. His dad is driving in the rain and tries to help a sick Charlie. Then out of nowhere a bus comes and hits their car. Commercial. Then back in the present, two Men In Black need to talk to Nurse Jackson. Reuben is going to India to reenact Eat, Pray, Love. Kara visits Dash, he is on the organ donor list and she wants in. Doc and NJ help Charlie's case.We find out that NJ was there when Charlie came in. Everybody thought it was his dad's fault, due to Charlie's seat-belt being undone. Reuben surprises Jordi with an awesome car. He takes it for a spin with Emma teaching him to drive and a reluctant Leo

                      By the Men In Black's recommendation Charlie might be moved to a different facility. Doc, NJ, and Charlie's parents have 48 hours to think about it. In the car, Emma and Jordi bond. Leo is a definitely a third wheel. Doc&NJ are talking about Charlie waking up. Nurse Jackson made a promise and she intends to keep it. Flashback to Charlie and her alone before the doc's come for his surgery. They talk, NJ tells him about her being scared while trying to comfort him. Which succeeds. "There is always a way home." The promise is NJ will be there when he wakes up. Emma and Leo start to argue and Jordi gets uncomfortable so drives back. Charlie's mom found out that his dad Nick comes to the hospital and gets upset. 

                     Flashback to Britney getting hired and Leo getting surgery. Charlie's mom and dad are fighting while Charlie is in surgery. Dash does graffiti to be remembered. Charlie's mom and dad upset each other again. Emma and Leo once again fight about the HC night. And up kissing, "That my friends was a declaration of love....." *cue Jordi seeing* "and war."  NJ and Charlie's mom talk about Nick coming. She realizes nothing is ever gonna change, Charlie isn't gonna wake up.

                     Kara admits she had fun and Dash gets new lungs hopefully. IF he decides to have the surgery. He's made his peace and wants to be remembered. Reuben doesn't do goodbyes when Leo catches him, he calls it a "moment". Leo sees Charlie's parents "giving up";tells NJ that he's seen Charlie in his surgery dream. Nurse Jackson asks exactly what he remembers. He tells her in hope of Charlie staying and waking up. The Red Banders toast to Charlie possibly moving. They also see Dash's art. Jordi holds Em's hand, Leo sees and jealousy is bubbling. Later that night, NJ has blood vials and switches so one has Charlie's name on it. Intending to keep her promise. Tomorrow's episode involves Jordi and Leo fighting over Emma! Drama ahead. 

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