Sunday, October 19, 2014

Gotham -"Arkham" 111

                 Open to Penguin being in Gordon's apartment. James threatens Penguin/Oswald which leads to him telling Gordon there is a war coming and he can help him. A "unknown" man murders Councilman Jenkins late at night. Chief gives the case to James and Harvey. They head out to investigate. Fish is hiring a new singer but the reality is she needs a new "weapon".  Evidence shows up from Arkham. In politics turns out the Wayne's had a plan for housing in Gotham which gets support. James go to Wayne Manor to get info about Arkham and the recent murder. Alfred informs James that Maroney is the only one strong enough to go against Falcone which could ignite a war. Bruce's parents housing plan could die with it. Harvey calls James, Councilmen Zeller (who is one of Falcone's men) has been kidnapped. 

                  Chief believes it's politics driving these murders. Maloney sent out a hit first then Falcone. Arkham is mixed in there too. Edward (Young Riddler!!!) detects that the councilmen were killed by the same person. Harvey and James go to the Gotham lock up to get intel about a possible suspect, GCPD arrive at Richard's work, our suspect Richard gets his "fun creation" aka killing weapon ready to stick James with. Tensions are high. Suddenly, Harvey calls James back over while Richard escapes.

                   Bruce has bad nightmares about his parents, he's looking up Arkham files for connections between the recent murders and his parents. The restaurant that Oswald works at gets shot up. Backup guys come and find Penguin who managed to salvage some money. James comes home early and Barbara says long hours and long nights worry her. She finally asks about Oswald. He finds out Renee told her, she tells him about her past relationship with her. Don Maroney's comes back to the restaurants furious. He congratulates Oswald for saving the money and promotes him to Manager. Back at the station, Harvey finds the real Richard is dead, our murderer took his identity. He goes to find Fish. Another girl named Lyza is a possible suspect for Fish's job, with her singing skills and seduction powers. Harvey needs Fish to find the killer, she can find anyone. Falcone can't afford to lose but he's old and weak.

                   Oswald contacts James about another hit on a councilman. He finds the next target is the mayor, and goes to his house to protect him. The fake Richard is right outside. Eventually he gets inside, James and him get into a fist/gun fight. Again, Harvey comes in saving Gordon's life. They both end up shooting the suspect. Barbara stops by the station, and apologizes about keeping her relationship with Renee. Gordon won't let up on the Oswald thing. She tells him "You can either let me in or let me go.". Fish has her two new girls fight for the job. The one who can sing and seduct wins. We also find out Oswald actually had the restaurant shot up to raise his position. Arkham Asylum is being reopened.... yay? The mayor is making the plan seem "good". Falcone gets to build a housing project, Maroney gets to build up the city. Everybody wins, at least for now. 

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