Sunday, October 26, 2014
The Walking Dead-"Four Walls and a Roof" 118
Gareth still has Bob trapped and tells him some sick stories about... you know what who cares what he says just know it was bad. Just continue reading. Bob starts laughing creepily and tells them he has been bitten. They freak out and Gareth knocks him out. Jerk. Anyway, Sasha notices Bob is gone. So do Tereyse and Rick. At the church, Sasha interrogates Father Gabriel. "I'm alone, I'm alone, I'm always alone. Apparently, Gabriel always locked the church doors at the night. This is about "You'll burn for this.". He had to close the church because people tried coming in which in result they died due to Walkers. The group hears whistling outside. Sasha and the team find Bob. Then Walkers start to swarm around the church. Bob tells them about his previous nightmare. Gareth and the team are possibly near a school. Everybody is sad, Sasha the most. Abraham and Rick fight over leaving for Washington D.C. and waiting for Daryl and Carol. Eugene is reluctant when Abraham tells him they have to leave, but does. Rick doesn't want them taking the bus. Glenn convinces Abraham to stay half another day. Maggie and Glenn will go with him. "12 hours, then we go." Sasha is taking care of Bob. He starts to make jokes, she is still sad is going to miss him. The group is thinking about a attack plan on Gareth's group. Tyrese and Sasha talk about Bob and when he's going to turn. Rick and some of the others leave to find his group. Gareth's group came back to the church and break in. Carl gets his gun ready. Gareth tells them"We'll I guess you know we're here. And we know your here." Gareth tries to pursue everybody out. Judith starts to cry, giving away her position. Rick and the others comes back and kicks Gareth in the groin. They have his team surrounded. And they get killed. "It could have been us." Finally. Yay, Michonne and her Katana reunite! Everybody says goodbye to Bob. Rick and him have a nice moment, Bob thanks him for taking him in and being a good man. Sasha takes care of Bob again, he tells her about his dream with her. Slowly, he dies. It's very sad but Sasha is about to take him out before he turns. Then Tyrese comes in and tells her to leave, he does it and gives Bob the mercy of not becoming s Walker. Abraham gives Rick a map to D.C. in case Rick and his team decide to come. Maggie and Glenn keep their promise and go with them. Tyrese and Rick are digging graves together. Rick asks him about traveling to Terminus with Carol. "It killed me." Rick replies, "No, it didn't.". Later that night, Michonne is outside the church when Father Gabriel comes out. They talk about everything that's happened with killings. Then we hear a noise. Michonne investigates and finds Daryl. Next week's episode is all about Beth.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Agents of SHIELD-"A Hen in the Wolf House" 117
Monday, October 20, 2014
Gotham-"Viper" 116
The Walking Dead-"Strangers" 115
Judith wanting to go to Washington! So cute!!! |
The gang is back together. Carol and Tyreese talk about what happened at the prison a while ago. He doesn't want to tell them about the girls, "Just need to forget it." Rick thanks Carol again and she gives him the watch. Carol doesn't wanna talk about "it" (the killings at the prison).
Somebody is watching the group. Daryl can tell something is watching them and warns Rick. A person yells for help, they do actually help the man in danger. The guy is Father Gabriel, literally wearing the outfit and everything. They interrogate him, obviously weary of this suspicious man. He takes them to his church. Then jokes about a trap and we get even wearier, no humor here in the apocalypse buddy!
While checking out the church, it seems fine. Judith is so cute. The team follows Rick, also in need of supplies. A place that has supplies intrigues the group. Tyreese keeps Judith safe, adorableness! Rick doesn't trust this Gabriel guy and has Carl stay behind to protect Judith. "You are not safe, never let your guard down." Carl reassures his dad, he'll stay safe.
A couple of the group head to the supply place. Bob talks with Rick about Washington being hope. Daryl and Carol bond. Glenn and the girls find a little bit of ammo. Bob almost gets bit. They get the supplies. Michonne misses her sword (even though she won't admit it!). She misses Andrea and Hershel more though. Rick finds Carl, they see knife marks and find "You'll burn for this" on the church building.
The group has a good dinner and even have a toast. Abraham tries to convince everybody to come to DC, that has a new start and lots of supplies, even safety. Judith is in! Rick's in too, it seems everybody else is too. Tara confides in Maggie that she was at the prison with the Governor a-hole. Maggie hugs her :).
Everything is so light and happy. That means something terrible is going to go down soon isn't it? Rick tells Gabriel "That if what your hiding hurts them in any way, I'll kill you.". Daryl and Carol find the black car with a white cross on it and follow it to find Beth!!!!!! Bob is crying..... :( and gets knocked out. Gareth the jacka$$ has Bob. Mr.Jerkface FREAKING CUT OFF HIS LEG. THERE FREAKING CANNIBALLS. Next Sunday, hell basically- Carol and Daryl go to find Beth and the group is still getting hunted (by Gareth's group I presume). Thanks for reading! See you later Walkers!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Starting The Walking Dead! 114
Hey Walkers! I'm going to start to review The Walking Dead. I'm combining last week's first episode of Season 5 with tonight's. It should be up by tomorrow. So you have that to expect! Yay!!!
Red Band Society-"So Tell Me What You Want What You Really Really Want" 113
Jordi is controlling his life with a social worker. Dash is getting a pager and a turn up which leads to Kara semi making fun of him but at the same time intrigued. Charlie's dad tries to visit his son. Turns out his mom is already visiting. Somebody important is coming to visit. Who?? Flashback to Charlie and his dad to his accident. Charlie is sick from eating too much food and throws up in the car. His dad is driving in the rain and tries to help a sick Charlie. Then out of nowhere a bus comes and hits their car. Commercial. Then back in the present, two Men In Black need to talk to Nurse Jackson. Reuben is going to India to reenact Eat, Pray, Love. Kara visits Dash, he is on the organ donor list and she wants in. Doc and NJ help Charlie's case.We find out that NJ was there when Charlie came in. Everybody thought it was his dad's fault, due to Charlie's seat-belt being undone. Reuben surprises Jordi with an awesome car. He takes it for a spin with Emma teaching him to drive and a reluctant Leo
By the Men In Black's recommendation Charlie might be moved to a different facility. Doc, NJ, and Charlie's parents have 48 hours to think about it. In the car, Emma and Jordi bond. Leo is a definitely a third wheel. Doc&NJ are talking about Charlie waking up. Nurse Jackson made a promise and she intends to keep it. Flashback to Charlie and her alone before the doc's come for his surgery. They talk, NJ tells him about her being scared while trying to comfort him. Which succeeds. "There is always a way home." The promise is NJ will be there when he wakes up. Emma and Leo start to argue and Jordi gets uncomfortable so drives back. Charlie's mom found out that his dad Nick comes to the hospital and gets upset.
Flashback to Britney getting hired and Leo getting surgery. Charlie's mom and dad are fighting while Charlie is in surgery. Dash does graffiti to be remembered. Charlie's mom and dad upset each other again. Emma and Leo once again fight about the HC night. And up kissing, "That my friends was a declaration of love....." *cue Jordi seeing* "and war." NJ and Charlie's mom talk about Nick coming. She realizes nothing is ever gonna change, Charlie isn't gonna wake up.
Kara admits she had fun and Dash gets new lungs hopefully. IF he decides to have the surgery. He's made his peace and wants to be remembered. Reuben doesn't do goodbyes when Leo catches him, he calls it a "moment". Leo sees Charlie's parents "giving up";tells NJ that he's seen Charlie in his surgery dream. Nurse Jackson asks exactly what he remembers. He tells her in hope of Charlie staying and waking up. The Red Banders toast to Charlie possibly moving. They also see Dash's art. Jordi holds Em's hand, Leo sees and jealousy is bubbling. Later that night, NJ has blood vials and switches so one has Charlie's name on it. Intending to keep her promise. Tomorrow's episode involves Jordi and Leo fighting over Emma! Drama ahead.
Agents of SHIELD- "Face My Enemy" 112
Coulson and Melinda tangoing!!!! |
Back at the plane, Hunter tells his marriage story..... again. May starts to flirt with the guy who owns the painting. Talbot talks and rats them out. May and Coulson have to quickly get the painting. Laser grids!!! Which May walks straight through like the awesome chic she is. "They already know we're here.". After a false turnout we learn that Talbot already took the painting. Then we see Talbot calling someone. It's Dr.Whitehall! He finds about May and Coulson through Talbot. M&C get caught by Talbot, he knows about the writing and wants Coulson to get the truth. Skye is digging about the mission, the team talk about past relationships. Fitz isn't bonding!
May goes to find Talbot. Turns out Talbot isn't Talbot and May gets knocked out. *Cue shocked face* Hydra! Fitz thinks he isn't part of the team. Plus, they switched the lab without consulting him. His and Simmons lab! Agent 33 (who've we have seen in previous episodes) as "May" infiltrates the plane and gets Coulson to come with her. Hydra threatens the real May. The bus is shutting down due to being sabotaged by Agent 33/ "May". Coulson finds out about Agent 33. The thing that tips him off- May hates coffee! May gets free. Fitz and the team try to solve the problem before the plane goes to heck. "May" and May fight.
Coulson gets the painting. Fitz helps Hunter turn the bus back on and fix it! Agent 33 gets knocked out. M&C escape. Fitz has a beer bonding session and tells the team about admitting to Simmons that he loved her. Trip finds Skye researching again. M&C tell Talbot about the May identity incident and Hydra. The analysis of the painting came back, somebody alive is currently carving the weird symbols . May wanted to know how he knew that it was the fake her. Coffee and little things. May won't shoot Coulson in the head, instead she has a plan to get him out safely. Coulson still wants her to eventually shoot him. May doesn't want to but finally agrees. Raina is is going to Florida to get the painting. Dr.Whitehall finds her. He wants the Obelisk back. Next Tuesday Skye meets her dad and Simmons get caught in Hydra.
Gotham -"Arkham" 111
Open to Penguin being in Gordon's apartment. James threatens Penguin/Oswald which leads to him telling Gordon there is a war coming and he can help him. A "unknown" man murders Councilman Jenkins late at night. Chief gives the case to James and Harvey. They head out to investigate. Fish is hiring a new singer but the reality is she needs a new "weapon". Evidence shows up from Arkham. In politics turns out the Wayne's had a plan for housing in Gotham which gets support. James go to Wayne Manor to get info about Arkham and the recent murder. Alfred informs James that Maroney is the only one strong enough to go against Falcone which could ignite a war. Bruce's parents housing plan could die with it. Harvey calls James, Councilmen Zeller (who is one of Falcone's men) has been kidnapped.
Chief believes it's politics driving these murders. Maloney sent out a hit first then Falcone. Arkham is mixed in there too. Edward (Young Riddler!!!) detects that the councilmen were killed by the same person. Harvey and James go to the Gotham lock up to get intel about a possible suspect, GCPD arrive at Richard's work, our suspect Richard gets his "fun creation" aka killing weapon ready to stick James with. Tensions are high. Suddenly, Harvey calls James back over while Richard escapes.
Bruce has bad nightmares about his parents, he's looking up Arkham files for connections between the recent murders and his parents. The restaurant that Oswald works at gets shot up. Backup guys come and find Penguin who managed to salvage some money. James comes home early and Barbara says long hours and long nights worry her. She finally asks about Oswald. He finds out Renee told her, she tells him about her past relationship with her. Don Maroney's comes back to the restaurants furious. He congratulates Oswald for saving the money and promotes him to Manager. Back at the station, Harvey finds the real Richard is dead, our murderer took his identity. He goes to find Fish. Another girl named Lyza is a possible suspect for Fish's job, with her singing skills and seduction powers. Harvey needs Fish to find the killer, she can find anyone. Falcone can't afford to lose but he's old and weak.
Oswald contacts James about another hit on a councilman. He finds the next target is the mayor, and goes to his house to protect him. The fake Richard is right outside. Eventually he gets inside, James and him get into a fist/gun fight. Again, Harvey comes in saving Gordon's life. They both end up shooting the suspect. Barbara stops by the station, and apologizes about keeping her relationship with Renee. Gordon won't let up on the Oswald thing. She tells him "You can either let me in or let me go.". Fish has her two new girls fight for the job. The one who can sing and seduct wins. We also find out Oswald actually had the restaurant shot up to raise his position. Arkham Asylum is being reopened.... yay? The mayor is making the plan seem "good". Falcone gets to build a housing project, Maroney gets to build up the city. Everybody wins, at least for now.
Red Band Society-"No Place Like Homecoming" 110
Emma and Britney all dolled up! |
Hey! So really short review on RBS's homecoming. Ready? Let's go!
Basically, Kara is obsessed with her peers at homecoming fear her instead of being loved. Leo is debating with himself over getting back into soccer. Britney.... poor poor Britney, her boyfriend broke up with her. Jordi's mom Eva is "acting" all momish. Nurse Jackson doesn't believe in her mom ability. Dash is getting the inside scoop of the Emma/Jordi/Leo triangle. NJ has Britney and Emma accompany Kara to her high school's homecoming. While at Kara's school Leo saves Emma from being nervous and gives her a rose and eventually she becomes a popular unicorn among the students. Eva plays the cool mom and lets Jordi go to the movies with Dash, which soon after leads to him passing out. Back at homecoming, Kara is humiliated by people being nice to her and feels pitied. Leo once again saves the day by making her feel better with admitting to everybody who the real Kara is-a mean and sarcastic b!%$# and Kara kisses him. Later, after everybody is back in the hospital, Eva ends up leaving again for good even after Doc tries to convince her to stay. Leo visits Emma who's mad that he defended Kara. Just as Eva is leaving in a cab. Jordi watches her go. Doc and NJ now know that Jordi's is in their care for now. And, that's all folks!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Agents Of SHIELD-"Heavy Is The Head" and "Making Friends and Influencing People" 108&109
Last week's episode is gonna be short. Basically the new rookie Hunter who we saw survive in the first episode was testing Coulson and General Talbot. Fitz has been talking more and found a friend. Carl Creel got contained. Onto this week's episode.
The promo shows Simmons!!
Long review time.
As a clock ticks Dr.Whitehall wants Agent 33 of SHIELD to surrender. She is loyal and will never work for Hydra. We see Jemma Simmons getting ready for her work day at...... Hydra. Skye is at the shooting range while May gives her advice on control. The guys come in and asks Skye if she ever went to the academy. She didn't, she also admits to never shooting anyone. May catches up with Director Coulson and they know about Agent 33 getting captured. Simmons is doing sample checks she sees a file on Donnie Gill (from last year!). As she gets home we hear someone in the house. Coulson checks her fridge, and bought her real groceries. While having dinner Jemma debriefs him about Donnie being a possible Hydra target. He tells her to be safe as a double agent. Undercover is all about selective truths. The team gets the story on Donnie.
Skye is working with Ward (her asset) on Hydra and their techniques for capturing people. In lovely Casablanca, Donnie is discovered by a couple Hydra agents. Jemma is escorted and has to tell about her past at SHIELD and her knowledge of knowing Donnie. Back to idiot Dr. Whitehall torturing Agent 33. The team goes to find Donnie except Fitz. Simmons has to leave with Hydra to find Donnie as well. Fitz isn't liking all the secrets so he goes to visit Skye's asset. And cue me crying, because oh god this scene is emotional. Quickly, we see Skye and the team jumping out the plane to find Donnie. Ward tries to talk with Fitz but he brings up his brain injury. Then Fitz starts to take the oxygen out of his room and tells him about Donnie.
Jemma finds Donnie, they talk. Coulson finds out that Hydra brainwashed Donnie. Hunter has a shot on Simmons! No!! May sees that it's her and keeps her safe but still remains her cover hidden. Jemma gets back to Hydra. They quickly brainwash Donnie to keep themselves safe. Skye shoots Donnie into the ocean when he starts to freeze the boat. Back at the plane, Skye talks with May about shooting Donnie and Simmons being undercover. May tells her she'll be fine, just like Skye herself.
Coulson chats with Fitz about his previous meeting with Ward. He tells Fitz about Jemma being undercover. Once again, in Dr. Whitehall's office we see him talking about raising Simmons position in Hydra so to speak. Skye goes to see Ward, he tells her about her father being alive. And one day if he'll let her he would take her to him. :) So that's some hope for Skyeward!!! Yay!! :D
Gotham-"The Balloonman" 107
Gotham Police finds that the next target of the balloon man is possibly in public. Harvey remarks "You kill a cop, it's a job safety issue" so he goes looking for this balloon guy in "all different ways". Oswald gets the job but has expectations and is told that his job is a great opportunity. He agrees when an old friend shows up. Harvey gets a lead to an apartment and ends up arresting a suspect. Fish's boy toy feels bad and Fish tells him it was her fault. Renee (MCU chic) visits Barbara and notices she got high like in the old days. She needs truth about Gordon possibly killing Oswald. We find out they used to be together. Renee tells her that she deserves better and tells her to ask him where he was the night Oswald disappeared.
The cops find a suspect. They realize that the balloons rise up then pop so they come back. Literally moments later a balloon falls. Gordon knows who the balloon man is. Oswald aka "Palo" who is a momma's boy sees an old "friend" and talks to him happily. We see another balloon fall this time with a priest,. Armond is Gordon's suspect who is actually "good guy" but corrupt. Armond points his gun at Harvey. He just wants to make a difference but is pissed off and there are consequences. Minutes later Armond gets pulled by his own balloon. James being the hero he is pulls on. Harvey shoots balloon and once again saves James's life. Armond gets put in an ambulance. Later that night, we see Bruce watching the news from earlier. Gordon comes home, Barbara is glad he's okay. Gordon says "The city is sick, everybody in power lets this city down.". She believes in him. It;s a nice moment until Oswald shows up at his doorstep. Then we are cliffhangered!
Next Monday Oswald wants to help Gordon and Bruce begins to believe Gotham is being taken by criminals.
The cops find a suspect. They realize that the balloons rise up then pop so they come back. Literally moments later a balloon falls. Gordon knows who the balloon man is. Oswald aka "Palo" who is a momma's boy sees an old "friend" and talks to him happily. We see another balloon fall this time with a priest,. Armond is Gordon's suspect who is actually "good guy" but corrupt. Armond points his gun at Harvey. He just wants to make a difference but is pissed off and there are consequences. Minutes later Armond gets pulled by his own balloon. James being the hero he is pulls on. Harvey shoots balloon and once again saves James's life. Armond gets put in an ambulance. Later that night, we see Bruce watching the news from earlier. Gordon comes home, Barbara is glad he's okay. Gordon says "The city is sick, everybody in power lets this city down.". She believes in him. It;s a nice moment until Oswald shows up at his doorstep. Then we are cliffhangered!
Next Monday Oswald wants to help Gordon and Bruce begins to believe Gotham is being taken by criminals.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Red Band Society-"Liar, Liar Pants On Fire" 106
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