Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Walking Dead-"Slabtown" 119

            Open to Beth in what looks to be a hospital room. And a very loud annoying clock. A police woman named Dawn Learner and a Doctor Edwards. She's in Atlanta. They saved her life when they took her in the black car with the white cross on it, "So you owe us.".  #WeAllHaveToContribute Doc Edwards take her to a patients room and cuts the plug, Dawn's orders. Doc takes Beth and disposes of the body to walkers. In the cafeteria, we see Officer Gorman the man who saved Beth repeat the whole owing back thing.

            The doc is listening to records and eats guinnea pig."If you feel safe enough to be bored, your lucky." -Beth. They bond over art and music. A new patient comes in. Doc can't save him due to much blood loss. He feel from a building. They try anyway, Beth helps. The plan fails. Dawn gets upset and slaps Beth. Later on, Beth gets a new shirt... And a lollipop. 

          Dawn finds another patent that has already been bitten. Doc, Dawn, and Beth have to hold her down to cut off her arm. They are obsessed with saving people. Beth goes to get another shirt, and finds the lollipop boy, his name is Noah. He tells her Dawn is losing control. When the time is right, he's getting back to Richmond with his uncle. Dawn visits Beth with food. "Try to look at the good we're doing." It's taken them a lot to get them where they are. To fix the world and compromise. "So keep working off what you owe, and you be outta here in no time." She accepts the food. The newest patient (who got her arm removed) tells Beth, Dawn is controlling everything because it's easy and that she's a coward. 

           Later, Beth looks for her lollipop. Gorman took it, and weirdly licks it. Doc helps Beth out. He shows her "graveyard" of the hospital and shows her why he stays in the hospital. It's safe. On the roof, he explains to her the past of how the whole save people thing started. Supplies and service. Doc tells her to give Mr. Tellers certain medicine. Later on, Beth is taking care of the patient, then suddenly dies after the medicine kicks in. Noah takes the blame and gets punished. Dawn speaks with Beth, she knows Noah didn't do it. And how some people aren't meant for this world.  

           Beth tells Noah, she's leaving with him. They set up a plan to where Beth finds a spare key to the basement. She finds a key card. Then finds blood and a body. Gorman comes in. He hits on her. What a creep. Then out of nowhere the walker body bits him! Beth escapes the room but notices she has blood on her shoes. Dawn stops her and tells her to see Joan in her office. Noah and her gotta go now!!!! Beth is wrapped while Noah lowers her down. He gets down but falls. Beth helps him. Walkers attack and Beth starts shooting. They get out of the hospital. But... are still swarmed by walkers. Beth shoots a lot down but eventually gets taken down by the officers. Noah gets through, which is her accomplishment.

            Dawn finds Gorman and Beth tells her that Gorman deserved it. "No one's comin'" and slaps her again. Beth confronts Doc on the Teller's death, turns out he was a doctor. They would have kicked him out of there was two doctors, wouldn't need him. He did it to protect his job. Beth grabs a syringe about to stab Doc, just as another patient comes in.
 It's Carol!!!!!

          Next week, we see Abraham and the others struggle with traveling to D.C.

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