Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Stuff Coming!

Agent Carter and Galivant are gonna be new shows to review! Due to Red Band Society going off air. My plan for Gotham is just to do one post with all the highlights of the main story, and continue reviewing when it comes back. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Agents of SHIELD "What They Become" 119

Father and Daughter reunion!!!
Oh my god!! Last episode for a while! We start with seeing May and everybody in the plane escaping a couple enemy jets *cue awesome cloaking*. The team is safe, for now. May informs Coulson that Hydra has Skye. He figures it due to Ward's promise "Seeing daddy dearest.". Fitz and Simmons have a talk about Mac. Apparently he's just trapped, not dead. Simmons tries to convince him that Mac being in the city is just controlling him not killing him. There's hope. Hunter tries to confront Bobby about Mac "When this is all over I'm gonna cry for like a week."-Bobby. She gets a message from Diego, and invites Hunter for backup. He notices the drive she's hiding, but still agrees.

*Cue me freaking out and my feels just exploding* Ward actually brings Skye to her father. Even though his orders were to get Raina, getting Skye was part of his promise! "I'm sure you two have some catching up to do."-Ward. Skye's dad gets emotional. "Hi, I'm Cal. I'm your father." Awesome Father-Daughter family reunion. He had plans even with almond cookies! Cal's world was ripped apart because Skye was stolen from him. "You were born in China, your mother was Chinese." They had a good life, he was a medic. He has major regret. "I'm gonna take care of you."-Cal. She wants out. Cal tells her the truth. He never was really working for Dr.Whitehall, he just wanted to find her. Apparently, Skye's mom was definitely "special". One day Hydra took Skye's mom and he tracked them down but it was too late. That also goes back to our flashback with him. Anyway, he starts humming a tune, she recognizes it. Then Cal is called to see Dr.Whitehall. Who he's going to kill. "Best day ever!"-Cal.

Coulson gets ready to save Skye. And gets a call from Bobby and Hunter who are near the underground city but can't enter. Back to awesome stuff!!!! In the meeting, we see Raina, Ward, and Cal. Dr.Whitehall asks Ward why Skye is here. He has a theory, and brings out the Diviner. He asks Skye to hold it. She quickly does, when nothing hurts her she uses it against a solider. Then Ward and Cal attack the other soldiers. Whitehall tells her "I hope your as special as your mother.". The guards take their weapons and knock out Cal.

Trip gets ready to save Mac, while Fitz and Simmons watch. Ward talks to Agent 33.  Cal gets to stay with Skye. (Also Ward is in the same room as them.) Whitehall tortures him. He also threatens to kill Skye. Coulson and May break in and guns are hot! Cal escapes. Ward and Skye are safe without seeing what he's about to do. Just as Cal is about to kill Whitehall. *Bang Bang!* Coulson shoots Whitehall in the back. Cal is obviously pissed, I mean I would be too. You've been plotting for years to get revenge and then just like that! Coulson threatens to shoot Cal. Agent 33 finds Whitehall dead. Cal and Coulson beat each other up. Ward gets out and Skye is freed. She shoots him, i'm crying. (My Skyeward feels were just thrown into a crumbled piece of paper and thrown out a window into the ocean of my tears.....i'm totally fine *Not*)Skye interrupts the fight and she tells him leave. Her real name is Daisy!! Daisy is gonna finish the job.

Agent 33 gets Ward out. May goes to find Coulson. Daisy is searching for the obelisk. Raina has it, she then she's a crazy Mac. Coulson goes after Skye excuse me Daisy with May. Trip goes down very quickly. I have a bad feeling. Raina finds the precious room. Coulson is still searching for "Skye". Daisy finds Mac. She goes to see Raina. Trip has explosives in his plan. The diviner is put in it's place, Raina stays to see. Trip finds "Skye". Coulson is locked out. They can't stop the diviner. Trip knocks it when it starts to freeze Daisy and Raina. But they're fine. Even Mac is back to normal with Coulson. Daisy and Raina un-crack, but Trip is still stuck. The place starts to crumble due to Daisy using her powers for the first time. She watches Trip slip away. Jesus, that's the last scene we see until March. But on the bright side Agent Carter is coming!!!

Mini Recap of Bombs.....
1. Skye is actually Daisy Jonson/Quake!
2. Inhumans are here!!!!!
3. Daisy's father is Dr.Calvin Zabo/Mr.Hyde.
4. If your a Skyeward (Would it be DaisyWard now? :D ) fangirl like me and need help for the next few months, remember fan fiction.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Agents of SHIELD-"Ye Who Enter Here" 128

We see Skye in what looks like a dream, calling out for the team. Possible hallucinations? We see May and Coulson with a baby. A strange music box. It was a nightmare! Coulson wakes her out of it. Mac has mini Lola! Fitz adores it :). Mac also notices Bobby and Hunter have gotten closer. Fitz needs Mac to talk to Simmons (Fitz is still shy/nervous, awww.). Simmons is bandaging up Tripplet. She asks her about Skye's dad, just as Skye comes in. She notices, says it's fine, and dismisses it.

The whole team is trying to figure out the obelisk and the city. Good news-We know where the city is. Hydra doesn't. The city is in Bermuda Triangle. First, city. Then, obelisk. "One thing at a time." -Coulson. We then see Raina being tracked by Dr.Whitehall's men (Including fake May again.). She gets protected by the Koenig brothers! Raina actually gets a lanyard, due to SHIELD protecting her. The Koenig brothers report to Coulson about their recent discovery. Coulson decides to send May with a team. Skye and May see the photoage of Ward's family (Poor Senator Ward) , they know he did it. Coulson wants Skye to go with May. To keep her safe from the city and her father. Everybody else is going to the city.

While getting ready Bobby asks Jemma about Fitz and their past together. Jemma tells her the truth about what went down underwater. The reason she can't deal with it, "Nine of the longest days of my life back." with the coma. All she's ever thought of him is as a friend. Bobby tells her to be honest with Fitz. The city team prepares to leave. Skye and May say goodbye to Coulson. Mac asks Bobby about "the thing" and if she's going to tell Bobby. She hasn't decided. Raina is still with the brothers. Skye comes in and then crazy May shows up! *Cue awesome fist fight between her and Skye!* Honestly, I just hope Raina is "good" during this mission. After the commercial-  *Awesome fist fight still happening.* Bobby comes in and helps knock Fake May out.

Bobby and Coulson are looking for their contact "Diego". Coulson wants a hat! (To blend in.) We find our contact. Back at the ship, the tension is so thick!! Fitz tells Jemma that he's going to leave with Mac because ya know, Jemma is more capable to run the lab. "I can work for you, I just can't work with you."Fitz. Sad times for Fitzsimmons shippers (Including myself.). Coulson and Bobby try to find the city. And Skye, Raina, and Hunter are trying to get out. Raina tells Skye about the Diviner and how she can hold it, and tells Skye she believes she is worthy. "It's not crazy, it's our destiny." Then tries to run. Which fails as soon as Hunter comes with May in a van. Fake May learns about the tracker on Raina and reports to Dr.Whitehall. "Good work. I'll get my best man on it.".  Tripplet "bonds" with the Koenig brothers. You can tell he's kinda freaked. :) May reports to Coulson about Skye and Raina's conversation.

Back with Bobby and Coulson, "Diego" won't go down due to the stories. Fitz, Jemma, and Mac investigate the entrance to the city. Fitz has fun droids go down and get data. Coulson needs it. Raina apologizes to Skye about running. Raina tells her about Skye's dad being misunderstood and how he's actually a good guy. "No one could ever replace you Skye. Your all he wants.". Raina tells her she's special, (alien as Skye puts it). Kree (OMG) left the diviner to those who are wprthy to witness it's true power. As the team is about to go down in the city, Skye warns May about trouble. Just as Dr.Whitehall asks for Raina, if not then basically get ready to get shot out of the sky. Mac hit the bottom of the entrance (I believe) and then touches the ground (which has the city carvings on it) and starts to "freak out", I guess would be the best use of words.

The team tries to help Mac stay in control. Mac is now turned into a evil dude! The deep voice, super strength, and everything. Back at the plane everybody has guns and preparing what to do with Raina. Ward shows up. (Yay! :D )Wants Raina..... and Skye. They both agree. (SKYEWARD is endgame!! I LOVE THIS SCENE) Ward kept his promise. Skye also brings the tablet with the map of the city. Mac tries to kill Bobby, and eventually is thrown down the tunnel which has to be sealed now. Very sad, but it wasn't Mac.

Evil May gets in Dr.Whitehall's car. She informs him about Raina and how he took Skye (which wasn't part of the orders.) and how he didn't shoot down the plane as asked. (Omg my feels though). He then orders to have the plane shot down and plans to ask Ward about his "hostage". Then cut to black. :)

Next week is the Winter Finale (Nooooo) which includes a long awaited father-daughter reunion! Also I hope we get some more info about the Kree! Who can't wait for next week?? I know I can't!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Walking Dead-"Crossed" and "Coda" 127

Combining last week's episode with this week's!

Back at the church, we see Daryl Noah'.  All the other team members are making the church stronger, putting up boards and such. Rick and a couple others prepare to go get back Beth and Carol. They leave, meanwhile Father Gabriel, Carl, Michonne, and the baby :) (Judith is just so cute, I can't even go one TWD review without remarking how cute she is!) are staying at the guarded church. Sasha, Tyrese, Rick, Daryl, and Noah head out in a truck. In the Atlanta Hospital Beth is carefully watching Carol while the Doc checks up on her.

In the middle of nowhere the gang is trying to get Abraham to calm down but at the same time not be miserable. At one point Maggie even pulls her gun on him! That was a semi-shocker.  We then see in Atlanta, the Rick group is planning on how to infiltrate the hospital. Many ideas come up, then are analyzed. Back the church, Carl is trying to console Father Gabriel by offering a weapon "We can't stay in one place, not for too long anyway.". At the hospital Don is confronted by a officer who says the electricity that is being used by Carol is just a waste of resources. Beth overhears this and then quickly argues with her about Carol's life. Don is allowing Beth to save Carol by giving her the drug room key! Yay Don!

Back with Abraham's group. Tara, Glenn, and Rosita are looking for supplies. While Maggie and Abraham stay behind with the firetruck, Maggie tells Abraham to get over it (it being killing Eugene). In the Atlanta Hospital, Beth inquires the Doc what medicine to give to Carol. He tells her but fears Don has a plan in motion. Rosita makes a clean water filter while telling Glenn and Tara how she met Eugene and Abraham back in Dallas. Glenn spots ripples possibly fish!

In Atlanta, Noah sets up two of Don's police officers. They outnumber them obviously. Then, suddenly a car comes and saves the officers. But the car gets crashed by walker guts. The officers escape again. Dayl and the car driver get into a fight. (While a walker is trying to get them). Rick aims at the policeman car driver. But doesn't back down. Daryl has to talk him down. "Three's better than two" meaning the more officers Don is missing the better.

The officers try to negotiate. One of them, wants to help. He knew Don for the longest amount of time. "I've known Don for eight years. I know her.". Back with Tara and the other two. They get fish and Tara finds a backpack. In the church, Michonne apologizes to Father. We then see him using his machete to undo the floor. Hmmmm. Cut to Beth getting the drugs for Carol while another patient distracts the guards/doctors. She then puts the medicine into a syringe and helps her. "Carol, it's Beth. I just wanted you to know I was here.".

Sasha in Atlanta is still feeling guilty over Tyreese killing Bob and not her. She finally forgives herself. Back at the church, Father Gabriel "breaks out". In Atlanta, the officer gives Rick info about Don and the hospital. And Father Gabriel is so close to being bitten. Sasha and the officer talk. Abraham is still sitting. Maggie tries to get him to drink water, "Did you want me to shoot you?" He says he thought so. He takes the water, good Abraham! Back to Sasha and the officer, he escapes.

We open up to the officer trying to cut his rope while running way from walkers. Rick catches up to him with the police car. And even uses the walkie thing! Rick bumps the car into him, catching the officer still alive but broken. Eventually, Rick just shoots him, "Shut up" kind of comedic weird way.
Father Gabriel is finding supplies on his own cause he ditched the church. And oh my lord what does he find? A bible and the set up where Bob got his leg chopped off. Semi-irony there I guess. He flees when walkers burst out. Then heads running back to the church with walkers right behind him. Carl and Michonne try to bust the boarded up door. They succeed in saving him but walkers bust in the church. Overcome with guilt, Gabriel holds the door while Michonne, Carl, and Judith escape. He also gets out of the church but says "I can't run anymore.".

Daryl and Rick are contemplating whether or not they should trust the two remaining officers. Back at the hospital, Don is trying to locate her missing officers while working out. Beth asks Don about the Captain Hansen who was the previous leader before Don. There are stories but the one thing everybody leaves out is that she misses him. Back at the church, the walkers are breaking down the church. And out of nowhere Abraham's firetruck comes to the rescue! Yay, most of the team is back together. Glenn tells everybody about Eugene. Michonne informs Maggie that Beth is alive. She's overcome with joy!!

In the hospital, Don comes to visit Beth. They chat, mainly about how the hospital is doing and how Don saved her life twice. Another officer overhears and questions Don's authority. "You don't get to threaten me.". Don pulls her gun on the officer. "Don, all I have to do is shout." and then she replies with "And all I have to say you came at me.". Beth gets out of the way. The officer tells Don, "After Hansen you changed!" which results in Don beating him up. At one point the guy has the upper hand when Beth tries to get him off Don, he hits her. Which allows Don to kick him, then Beth pushes him into the walker pit. I don't know about you guys but I loved that scene!!

Beth is in Carol's room again. Don comes in. They talk again, Don wants Beth and Carol to stay. She also says she didn't use Beth and that she won't forget how Beth saved her. The Rick group sets up around the hospital. Sasha has a sniper. So does Daryl. They set up. Rick is at the "vantage point", he also has a weapon, flag, and a proposal for the cops who show up. He wants an exchange, two for two.

                        Commercial=Hobbit Sneak Peak!! #OneLastTime It was so epic, I totally recommend reading the book! The last movie is going to be so cool!

They agree!!! We see Rick bringing the officers in the hospital!! Beth hears something and saves scissors. Beth takes Carol in a wheelchair. There is HIGH tension and everybody gets there people back. Just as we're about to leave, "Now, I just need Noah." and tensions are raised again. Noah agrees to keep everybody save and Beth hugs him.

Then out of nowhere...... Beth stabs Don with her scissors. And..... I'm crying. Don shoots Beth. Who immediately regrets it and Daryl being the one who missed Beth the most and tried to save her, shoots Don. Jesus, I'm a mess. Eventually, the hospital crew just stays there. And then see everybody else from the group traveling to the hospital. Then, we see Rick's group coming out of the hospital. *Cue me sobbing* and Maggie looks for Beth. She then breaks down (Like me) when Daryl comes out carrying Beth. Tragic mid-season episode indeed.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer-126

Oh my godddddd!!!!!!! If you guys haven't seen it yet, you have to check this out! The first trailer for The Force Awakens is out! I actually have a very close relationship with Star Wars, my name Jade is actually named after the Star Wars character Mara Jade! I'm soooo excited to see more! 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Agents of SHIELD-"The Things We Bury" 125

Peggy and Dr.Whitehall back in 1945
Australia 1945, Dr.Whitehall is doing experiments on people with the obelisk. Present day- we see Dr.Whitehall is with Skye's father.  Dr.W wants to know more about the obelisk-"I know that a special few can touch it without suffering.". Skye's dad informs the power of the obelisk is much powerful than he knows. Bakshi is still being interrogated in the plane. Coulson needs info from him badly! Also he gets to go to Hawaii! 

Bobby tries to interrogate Bakshi  Slowly chipping away at his senses. Mac tells Hunter about how Coulson went insane last week, he's worried about him. Bobby gets him angry by asking him if he's been brainwashed, he obviously denies. Bobby isn't sure but it is possible any Hydra agent could be. The team seems to figure that Red Skull and Whitehall are connected. Then, cut to Senator Ward in a security car driving to a family cabin. And guess who's there waiting?!? Ward! He already took out his guards so it's one on one.

 In Hawaii, Skye and Trip on the mission! Fitz is getting back in the field. Coulson helps him by "muscle memory". Bobby's stress reliever is twirling, which Hunter notices. He tells her bash li  is bothering her, but it's actually Whitehall. Jemma and May are doing research and find info about Peggy Carter! Flashback, SSR Base- "The Rat" in 1945 she is interrogating Dr.Whitehall. Apparently, what you do with a pen shows your character, there are many uses to a pen. 

Anyway, back to the present. Skye's dad and Whitehall talk about finding the "city" about the carvings. But Whitehall does not entirely trust him. "I have nothing to lose." Jesus Christ, he means Skye! "I want to be reunited with my family..... in the afterlife." Not good. Ooooo yay- Ward and Senator time! They fight over Ward getting captured. Bro says he had that planned. Ward doesn't believe that. "I take responsibility for my actions Christian." Then Ward brings out a shovel, tells Christian about the well. And C. believes their parents buried. But "they just covered it up." Back to the plane, Fitz is sorta struggling in his task. Skye and Trip complete their mission, yay teamwork.

 The team find Whitehall's file, Simmons recognizes him! Flashback again to Peggy telling Whitehall being informed he's so to speak disappearing and his files are being destroyed. 44 years later, Hydra breaks him out. Australia,1989 Whitehall finds a woman (who touched the obelisk and survived) he experimented on so many years ago still alive and hasn't aged a day! Present time, the team are still investigating Whitehall files. Bobby interrogates Bakshi gain, this time with a special kick. Fear. But he flips it around on her asking her about her time at Hydra. She changes the subject, on how she knows Bakshi is afraid to disappoint Whitehall. So instead of complying, he knocks himself him out. 

Back to both Ward's fighting. Christian digs to the well. Ward threatens him down there. He finally admits to forcing Ward to killing Thomas. His reasoning, Thomas never got punished and wanted it to stop. He wanted his mother to feel pain. "It's okay, that's all I wanted to hear."-Grant. Wow actually forgiving! "Come on, let's go home." In Hawaii, we find Skye and Trip's mission help with finding if the city exists. Fitz accomplished his task into helping! "We may actually have a shot at finding this city."-Coulson.

 Trip, Fitz, and Coulson get to servers but are ambushed by Hydra. Coulson continues to cover them. Fitz is working on the severs to find the "city" while Trip covers him. And OOOHHHH GOODDD Trip gets a shot!!!! And omg Skye's dad shows up as one of the prisoners as a doctor!!!! Totally not the right time for a commercial! Skye's dad is using surgery on Trip to talk to Phil, and about Skye. Obviously, Coulson finds out he is Skye's dad. And allows Coulson to save Trip while he escapes. Yay he's stabilizing. Dr.Whitehall used the woman to keep himself healthy and young. Grant meets with him, and used his brother. He killed his family and brother. Whitehall trusts him. Bobby and Hunter argue but then uh.... hook up. 

Coulson and Fitz comes back from the mission. Trip is getting patched up. But, Skye can still tell something's off. Coulson is about to tell her they saw her dad when "Match Found" shows up on the screen. We hopefully know where the "city" is! Skye's dad chats with Whitehall and Grant. Skye's dad tells Grant "It's always good to look your enemy in the eye." We think it's about Coulson but then he sternly looks at..... Dr.Whitehall!!!!  25 years ago, he finds his wife "I believe) who was the woman who Dr.Whitehall tested and eventually killed. Now, Skye's dad wants revenge. Yay, I think he is on our side!

Monday, November 17, 2014

How To Procrastinate By Telling Yourself Excuses by Me! 124

So, yes I know I was supposed to post all my missing work last week, BUT (yes there is a but-reason) I had my play performances+homework+family time=my crazy life/week! Indeed, I did not do write my promised reviews, hopefully I can catch up on all the TV shows this weekend. So, just wanted to tell you that i'm alive and will continue writing! See ya!! :)